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Bandicoots play a vital role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Their digging, they help to improve soils health. How should we save them? According to "Keeping and expanding thick understory vegetation in backyards and bushland is one of the most effective ways to protect bandicoots.


What do they need to survive? (Food source)

Answer: They prefer habitats with dense vegetation

What conditions do they need to survive- where?

Answer: rainforests to wet and dry woodlands to heath.

What conditions will help them thrive (ideal)

Answer: According to "Keeping and expanding thick understory vegetation in backyards and bushland is one of the most effective ways to protect bandicoots 

What conditions are bad for bandicoots?

Answer: habitat loss from urbanisation and land clearing, predation from foxes, cats and dogs, and collisions with vehicles. 

What are your predators or threats to bandicoots? (humans/other things)

Answer: Their main threat is Their native predators are usually owls, quolls, snakes and dingo but their predators also can be feral and domestic cats, dogs and foxes which are ruining to future of bandicoots. It is also from habitat loss because people build things in their homes.

About the bandicoots

Bandicoots do have sensitive noses to smell out all of their food they used their toes to dig out underground and they are also omnivores so they mainly eat insects, berries and fruit, insect larvae, grass seeds, lizards, mice, snails etc. Their main threat is Their native predators are usually owls ,quolls, snakes and dingo's but their predators also can be feral and domestic cats, dogs and foxes which are ruining to future of bandicoots. It is also from habitat loss because people are building things in their home. 

They sleep in camouflaged nests during the day and they kick a layer of soil on top of their nest to make it waterproof 

Bandicoot digs The little marsupial burrows that keep Australia's soil healthy. Bandicoots are both active in the night and day when they shelter for nests. Bandicoots don’t know how to swim and aren't really known for swimming. The mainland Eastern Barred Bandicoot is listed as Endangered.

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